Peng-Robinson EoS calculates the compressibility factor, fugacity coefficient and density of a pure component.

  • Par
  • Le 25/04/2020
  • Dans Matlab

Peng-Robinson EoS calculates the compressibility factor, fugacity coefficient and density of a pure component.


Peng-Robinson EoS calculates the compressibility factor, fugacity coefficient and density of a pure component.


This function allows calculating the compressibility factor, the fugacity coefficient and density of a pure compound for both liquid and vapour phases by means of the Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR EOS).

Temperature, pressure, molar weigth, and supercritical properties of the selected compound are needed to be specified as parameters.

It is a Beta version, full version will include multicomponent systems and other equations of state.

This MATLAB function provides an educational tool to predict fluid phase equilibrium and can be easily extended to a multicomponent system.


· MATLAB Release: R13


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