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Electrical Enjhgineering Matlab Program
Formation Professionnelle-All in setif univ-
Contribution à l'estimation des grandeurs intrinsèque et thermiques des machines électriques.
2006 – 2009: Magister en Electrotechnique Option: machines électriques et leurs commandes à l’UFAS.
Thème : Estimation des grandeurs intrinsèque d’une machine asynchrone.
2001 - 2006: Cycle d'ingénieur d'état à l’UFAS. section Electrotechnique
PFE Download
Option : Commande électrique.
Thème : Estimation de la température statorique rotorique d’une machine asynchrone par l’utilisation du filtre de Kalman étendue.
Juin 2001 : Baccalauréat Sciences de la nature et de la vie.
Computer Sciences and Engineering Software
Programming languages: Turbo Pascal, Assembleur (8086).
- Operating systems: Windows, DOS, UNIX, ubuntu, Opensolaris.
- Office software: Microsoft Office, Word, power point, Excel, OpenOffice.org.
- Software (electrical engineering): Matlab /Simulink, Scilab, FEM, FEMLAB, Motor-Cad, ANSYS, Flux2d, Collection ANSOFT (Maxwell 2D, Maxwell 3D, RMxprt, HFSS, Simplorer, Schimatic,).
- Fields of research: Modeling and diagnostic, Multi-physics of the electric machines (IM, DCM, BLDC, PMSG, and MSAP), parametric estimation, maladjustment of the controller by parametric variations, thermal transfer in EMs, intelligent technique (ANN) apply to the electrical machines for the diagnostic and parametric estimations.
H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, R.TALEB, Cascade-Forward Neural Network Based on Resilient Backpropagation for Simultaneous Parameters and State Space Estimations of Brushed DC Machines, Advances in Modelling and Analysis B, 2021(Accepted)
R. Taleb, M. Souaihia, A. Namoune, H. Mellah, Passivity Based Control for PV Applications by Using a Buck Power Converter, iKSP Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 26-31, 2021
Bouyakoub Ismail, Taleb Rachid, H. Mellah, Implementation of Space Vector Modulation for Two Level Three-Phase Inverter Using dSPACE DS1104, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Accepted 2020
T. Bessaad, R. Taleb, A. Belboula, F. Chabni and H. Mellah, Commande par gradins d’un convertisseur multiniveau asymétrique à structure cascade pour l’entraînement d’une machine asynchrone, Rеvuе des Enеrgies Renouvеlablеs, vol. 22, no.1, pp. 93 – 101, Mars 2019
H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, R.TALEB, Simulation of the Stator and Rotor Winding Temperature of the Induction Machine for Continuous Service-Service Type S1-Operation for Different Frequency, PET, vol. 57, pp. 38 – 43, 2019
H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, R.TALEB, Carlo CECATI, Estimation of speed, armature temperature and resistance in brushed DC machines using a CFNN based on BFGS BP, Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci , ISSN, 1300-0632, E-ISSN: 1303-6203, vol 26, no.6, pp. 3181 – 3191, 2018
Habib BENBOUHENNI, R.TALEB, H. Mellah, Nouvelle approche pour la DTC modifié. Application à un actionneur électrique, Proceedings of Engineering and Technology (PET) , ISSN: 1737-9334,vol 24, pp.5-12, 2017
Habib BENBOUHENNI, R.TALEB, H. Mellah, Techniques neuromimétiques pour la correction d’ondulations du couple et du flux de la DTC sept niveaux à 6 secteurs d’une machine asynchrone, Proceedings of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 1737-9334, vol 24, pp.26-32, 2017.
H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, R.TALEB, Intelligent Sensor Based Bayesian Neural Network for Combined Parameters and States Estimation of a Brushed DC Motor, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications , ISSN,2156-5570, vol 7, no.7, pp.230-235, 2016
N. Bounasla, K E. Hemsas, H. Mellah, Synergetic and sliding mode controls of a PMSM: A comparative study , Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Special Issue:Sustainable and Renewable Energies and Systems , vol. 3, no. 1-1, pp. 22-26, .ISSN,2329-1613, 2015
- H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, Design and analysis of an external-rotor internal-stator doubly fed induction generator for small wind turbine application by fem, International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (ijrse), doi: 10.11648, vol. 2, no. 1, January 2013.
- H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, Simulations Analysis with Comparative Study of a PMSG Performances for Small WT Application by FEM, International Journal of Energy Engineering (IJEE), vol.3, no.2, March 2013.
- B.Bouhadouza , A.Gherbi, H.Mellah,Application of STATCOM to Increase Transient Stability of Wind Farm, American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (PES), vol.2, no.2, March 2013.
H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas,Comparative Performances Analysis of Different Rotor Types for PMSG Used in Wind TurbineApplication, International Journal of Advances in Power Systems (IJAPS), ISSN : 2335-1772, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2013
- H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, The use of EKF to estimate the transient thermal behaviour of induction motor drive, Journal of Electrical Engineering, ISSN,2328-2223, Vol 1, No.1, Dec 2013
- H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, Stochastic Estimation Methods for Induction Motor Transient Thermal Monitoring Under Non Linear Condition, Leonardo Journal of Sciences (LJS),vol.11, no. 20, 2012.
- H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, Design and Simulation Analysis of Outer Stator Inner Rotor DFIG by 2d and 3d Finite Element Methods, International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET), vol. 3, no.2, 2012.
- H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, Dynamic Design and Simulation Analysis of Permanent Magnet Motor in Different Scenario of fed Alimentation, Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering (JECE), ISSN 2226-2881 (Print) ISSN 2226-289X (Online),2012 .
Bouyakoub Ismail, Taleb Rachid, Faycal MEHEDI, H. Mellah, Identification of harmonics current by the Multi-Variable Filter method and compensation by a three level inverter controlled by the SVPWM strategy used for the shunt active filter, First International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environment, January 2020, El Oued, ALGERIA, MEE'2020
H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, R.TALEB, Simulation of the Stator and Rotor Winding Temperature of the Induction Machine for Continuous Service-Service Type S1-Operation for Different Frequency, 8 emeConference: 8ème Conférence Internationale en Automatique & Traitement de Signal, 19-22 Décembre 2019, Sousse-Tunisie, ATS'19.
H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, R.TALEB, Bouyakoub Ismail, Simulation of Winding Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault of a DFIG by FEM, September 22th, 2019, Taghit, Bechar Algeria
H. Mellah, K E. Hemsas, Overview of different approaches in a multiphysics modelling of induction motor, International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control, 24-26 November 2013, Setif, Algeria, ICEEAC 2013
- H. Mellah and K.E Hemsas, Design and Simulation Analysis of Inner Rotor DFIG by 2D and 3D Finite Element Modelisation,2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION PROCESSING AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, 14-16 April 2012, Tébessa, Algeria, ICIPEE’12.
- H. Mellah and K.E Hemsas, Simulations Analysis With Comparative Study of A PMSG Performances for Small Wind Turbine Application by FEM, 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, May 07-09, 2012 USTHB, Algiers, Algeria, ICEE’12.
- H. Mellah and K.E Hemsas, Multiphysics Modeling of IM, Journée des Doctorants, 25 Avril 2012, UFAS, Sétif, Algeria, JD’2.
- H. Mellah , K.E Hemsas and B. Bouhadouza, Design and Analysis of an External-Rotor Internal-Stator Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Turbine Application, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, October 8-10, 2012, Batna, Algeria, CEE’12.
- B. Bouhadouza, A. Gherbi and H. Mellah, Application of STATCOM to Increase Transient Stability of Wind Farm, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, October 8-10, 2012 Batna, Algeria, CEE’12.
- H. Mellah and K.E Hemsas, Dynamic Design and Simulation Analysis of Permanent Magnet Motor in Different Scenario of fed Alimentation, CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL ON AUTOMATIQUE AND MÉCATRONIQUE, November 22-23, 2011, USTO, Oran, Algeria, CIAM’11.
- H. Mellah et K.E Hemsas, Surveillance Thermique Préventive d'une Machine Asynchrone par l'utilisation de Filtre de Kalman Etendue, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS AND PROCESSING INFORMATION, May 15-17, 2011, Guelma, Algeria, ICSIP’11.
- H. Mellah et K.E Hemsas, Contribution a l’Estimation Des Grandeurs Intrinsèques Des Machines Electriques, JOURNEE DES DOCTORANTS, 23 Mai 2011, UFAS, Sétif, Algeria, JD’1.
- H. Mellah and K.E Hemsas, The use of EKF to estimate the transient thermal behaviour of induction motor drive, THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS & OIL: FROM THEORY TO APPLICATIONS, March 01-02 2011, Ouargla, Algeria, ICEO’11.
- H. Mellah et K.E Hemsas, Modélisation et Surveillance Thermique d'une Machine Asynchrone on prend on compte les Effets non Linière, FIRST CONFERENCE OF POWER ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL DRIVES, 26 – 27 Octobre 2010, USTO, Oran, Algeria, ICPEED’10.
Languages & Hobbies
Thamazighthe (Kabyle), Arabe, Français, Anglais.
Sport: (Foot, Hand, Volley)Ball.
Internet, Web Design, Lecture, Voyage.
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Last edited: 22/02/2025