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Application of STATCOM to Increase Transient Stability of Wind Farm


In this paper we interested to the study the necessary of Facts to increase the transient stability on the presence of faults and the integration of new renewable source, like wind energy, these lasts make the electrical grid operate in a new conditions, the STATCOM is one of the important Facts element, It provides the desired reactive-power generation and absorption entirely by means of electronic processing of the voltage and current waveforms in a voltage source converter (VSC). This function is identical to the synchronous condenser with rotating mass. In present work we propose a transient stability improvement using STATCOM under faults, in the first time we study the transient stability with and without STATCOM for clearly his advantages. In the second time we know the relation between the reactive power injecting by a STATCOM and the critical clearing time, some simulation results are given, commented and discussed.

B.Bouhadouza , A.Gherbi, H.Mellah,Application of STATCOM to Increase Transient Stability of Wind FarmAmerican Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (PES), Vol.2, No.2, March 2013.


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Transient Stability, Reactive Power, FACTS, STATCOM, Wind Power, CCT


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